Sleep Appliances

Panthera Anti-Snoring and Sleep Apnea Oral Device

Custom-made Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD)

Custom MADs are a convenient, immediate, non-invasive treatment option to improve airflow and reduce vibration (snoring) and airway closures (apneas). Their effectiveness has been demonstrated in clinical studies.
The treatment of snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) with mandibular advancement devices can be managed by your Orthodontist.

Custom-made MADs are recommended for:
• Snoring without OSA
• Mild to moderate OSA when the patient cannot tolerate CPAP
• Severe OSA when the patient cannot tolerate CPAP

Have you tried a CPAP already, unsuccessfully?

If you’ve already received a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea from your physician and you’ve unsuccessfully tried to wear a CPAP at night time, a custom oral sleep appliance may be the right fit for you. To find out more, book your complimentary consultation. If a sleep appliance is the right choice for you, all we need to do is take a digital scan of your mouth and fit your custom sleep appliance just 10 days later.

Do you snore most nights, keeping your partner awake?

A custom sleep appliance can work well to prevent snoring at night time. The process is exactly the same where we take a digital scan of your mouth and fit your custom appliance soon after. For more information on the sleep appliances we provide, please visit Panthera.